January 15, 2008

Posted by jinson on 9:07 PM No comments
I know I haven't been blogging in a while and that's my fault.I haven't been feeling too great lately. I don't whether it's the lack of sun or that I'm just simply stressed out. I come home every day exhausted and all I want to do sometime is just sit in my bed and watch tv. I know that is not a productive way to spend a day. I don't know what it is. Ever since I started working at Summit Polymers, I have been this way. I have never felt tired at my old job or even when I was at Western. I still managed to go to work, school, labs, spend a day in the library, finishing up my homework, clean the house, cook for the guys and look after my cats every single day. I sometime have less that 4 hours of sleep. Maybe it's just old age I guess or I need a new work environment. Anywho, I made ikan assam pedas and will be posting it tomorrow. In the meantime, I saw this Petronas Deepavali Ad in youtube.com and thought I might as well share a laugh or two with you all. Enjoy it.

p/s I have created a new blog called ineedfunny.blogspot.com
You can find more videos like this at my new blog.
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